Saturday, January 23, 2016

The value of a single sentence.....

This really just happened to me --- Trying to deal with GoDaddy .. I decided maybe WINDOWS would work better on their site. I haven't used Windows basically for about ten years. So... I swap out my computer box with my wife's Windows machine.... And... well... now I have TWO problems instead of one... GoDaddy and WINDOWS. To get an hour of use out of Windows... might as well schedule ANOTHER hour to screw around with Windows, itself. Updates... Configuring this... configuring that... Security alerts... Virus scans... all the usual reasons I haven't used Windows for a long time. But... I finally get Windoze up and running.... just to make it more fun...right in the middle of really well thought out sentence I was typing for a blog post.... BAM... the screen goes blank... well... not blank... it just magically turned into the Clouds Desktop... and a message came up... "Configuring Windows" .... XX% complete.... and then of course it had to RESTART for the 5th or 6th time in about two hours of use. And... of course... then it had to update some more... and configure some more... And of course... the virus scan has to run again. And don't even start with that "Which version of Windows do you have?" Don't even start with that. They have all sucked since the beginning of time... so... don't even go there. Windows is junk. Ninety percent of what you hate about computers... is actually Windows... not your computer, at all. ANYWAY...HERE is my point... None of this really matters all that much. I don't have a life. I enjoy sitting in front of my computer and watching Windows self mutilate. Its kinda fun... and just reminds me why I haven't used Windows in a decade, or so. BUT... I LOST A SENTENCE. I had this really wonderful, perfect sentence going... and Windows crapped out... distracted me... and I lost my magnificent sentence. And... WORDS are very important to me. Especially MY words. When I get a thought just right... exactly the way I want it... in a really spectacular little sentence... that has VALUE to me. And, I lost a really cool sentence to Windows. My little sentence is gone forever. I will never see or hear from it again. And maybe words don't mean much to other people.... but... I value my words. A well formed sentence can be one of the most powerful things in the universe. Or as I once heard somebody say... "Words mean things." So, now, here I am... bright and early on a Saturday... having major trauma... in a complete state of mourning ... over the loss of my sentence. And, it really was a spectacular sentence. Lost to the world, forever.... because of Windows. Somehow, I must figure out how to go on... And, it isn't easy. What if? And, I mean WHAT IF... that one little sentence could have changed the world? What if that one little sentence was the cure for war or ended all cancers? What if? Sigh.... a little flash of brilliance... lost for all eternity. Time to plug my Linux machine back in.... and try to go on with life. I had better quick post this before it also disappears into the giant black hole where Windows sends things..... Sigh..... It is hard to grasp the sum total of what mankind has lost to Windows glitches like this... The world would, indeed, be a far different place if Windows had been working properly for the past 25 years....

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